This blog was prompted by a message that I received from my brother yesterday, followed by a surprise parcel that I received in the post, also from the same brother. The 2 things were entirely unrelated other than they had both come from him.
The message included some photographs of some cards that he had come across whilst out for a stroll. These cards had been fastened onto railings along the path where he was walking. Each card had been handwritten with a message and decorated with drawings of leaves, hearts and flowers and they read:
'Look at you facing all your hard days! So brave and such a beautiful person.'
'You are loved. You are wanted and you are so special. Keep going.'
'Remember to talk to yourself like somebody you love.'
'Don't ever give up. You are the reason someone smiles.'
'Remember that your brain needs to heal. If you broke a bone it would need time to heal... so does your brain!!',
These were such positive messages that someone had gone to a lot of time and trouble over. I asked him what he thought when he read them and he replied, 'I thought , what a wonderful human being to gone to all that effort.'
I shared the images with some friends and the response from them was very similar. One of them said, 'what if that message is the one positive that person has experienced that day, or that week, or for a long time?' So true. Kindness costs nothing. A random act of kindness. A smile. A kind word. A compliment.
Be the reason someone smiled today......