12 Mar

An insight into who I am, how I got here and how this came about.

This is a story in many parts. A story about a journey. A story about experiences, choices, outcomes... a story about a life. 

I haven't always taken the right path and I certainly haven't always made the best choices, however, I like to think that we are all 'doing the best we can with the tools we have available'. (to coin an NLP phrase), and that I was always doing the best I could with the knowledge, experience and resources that I had at that time. When I reflect and look back I can recognise my mistakes but I can also say to myself 'well done' for having the courage to move forward and make changes.

Over the years I have educated myself, and sought external education, to better enable and equip me for my life, as it stood, at that time. I have learned from my experiences and learned from the experiences of others. I have made changes and taken chances, and I am proud of the person that sits here typing this today. 

I have been supporting others, in one way, shape or form for many years now. It's time for all of my learning, training, experiences and knowledge to expand this support , to open all of this up to more people and to support others to make the changes they need to be able to move forward too.

Welcome to The Pink Dragonfly from The Pink Dragonfly.

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