It’s true that some factors that affect happiness are out of our control, however, there are always actions we can take to increase our good vibes. Consider trying a few of these – (or all of them!) -- and you're guaranteed to give your day a boost.
- Crank up the tunes. Try NOT smiling while blasting your fave feel good song (or 5). These days there are so many ways we can ‘tune in’. So whether it’s a good old vinyl record or getting Alexa involved, pop on some music and feel those good vibes flow!
- Write it down. Did you know that taking the time to write down 3 positive things each day will make you more optimistic and less stressed? Equally good, I found, is writing down negative stuff and then either putting it in the bin or chucking it in the fire pit.
- Get outside. Just a few minutes of fresh air can give you a fresh perspective. Watch the clouds, listen to the birds, smell the air and breathe…
- Walk it out. A 20-minute brisk walk gets the heart pumping and will decrease stress.
- Give yourself a boost. Of healthy nutrients! We're talking fruit, veggies and protein. When your body feels good your brain will follow. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water.
- Leave a note. Make someone's day by leaving a "you're beautiful" note on the bathroom mirror.
- Do something. Whether it's sending an email or clearing the clutter off your dining room table, just getting one tiny little thing off your to-do list and onto the 'it's done' list will give you a huge mental sigh of relief.
- Say "thank you." Even this small act of gratitude will boost your positivity.
- Learn something new. Whether it's reading a wiki about a topic that interests you or watching a quick Youtube tutorial, the digital world is full of ways to learn things fast and on the go.
- Be a good listener. Seeking out meaningful conversation is proven to improve your sense of well-being.
- Let it go. You can boost your happiness by detaching from past negativity.
- Straighten up! Our posture dictates how we feel, so straighten up and walk like a boss! (or Bombshell!)
- Try something new. Break out of your routine and mix things up! It can be as simple as walking down a different street -- anything to just get off of autopilot and be present where you are.
- Spend money. Treat yourself, or better still, treat someone else.
- Text a friend. Reaching out to a pal and letting them know how awesome they are will make you feel awesome, too.
- Make plans. Having something to look forward to, even something small like making plans to grab a cup of coffee with a friend, makes you happier. Anticipation is like a secret weapon of happiness.
- Help someone. Feeling down? One of the quickest ways to pick yourself back up is to do something kind for someone else. Bonus feel good points when it's random and not expected of you.
- Stop comparing yourself. Chances are you always pick those at the very top to compare yourself to. No wonder you feel like you've come up short! Focusing on the things you've accomplished is a lot more productive.
- Smile. In one research study subjects who smiled after a stressful activity decreased their heart rate more quickly than those who didn't. It even works if you fake smile!
- Power colour. While I’m partial to pink, of course, whatever your favourite colour is, embrace it.
- Treat yourself. Sometimes a tiny little luxury in our day is all we need to break out of a rut.
- Read something. Be it your favourite magazine, a blog or a good old classic novel, taking a few moments to indulge in something you truly enjoy will give you a burst of positive energy. Plus you might learn something (refer to #10).
- Cute overload. Seeing something cute makes us smile which in turn makes us happier.
- Think positive. No matter how bad things may seem, be grateful.
This list is not exhaustive, just a nice reminder that it's the small things in life that make us truly happy.